Thank you for your enquiry about 2=1 Leadership. We very much appreciate you wanting to help us reach the couples who want to improve their marriages or, in some cases, drag them back from the brink of divorce! This is a hard but rewarding job. Some people think that they couldn’t possibly do this, but you just need to have a passion for God, a passion for marriage, a transparency about you and your marriage, a teachable spirit… and some time to spare!

Please be assured that we want to help you be prepared to teach our courses and so we would like you to help teach a course as “Leaders in Training” before you teach a course of your own. The leaders of that group will help you as you work alongside them. We would also like to you to go through our Joshua Bible study, which shows how Joshua was trained by Moses and then encouraged to lead on his own.

Before you teach a course of your own, we will also want confirmation from your leaders and your pastor that they are happy for you to lead your own course.

If you would like to register your interest in 2=1 Leadership Training or apply for 2=1 Leadership, please click in the button bellow.